Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Kind Words.

“I began coaching sessions with Virginia several years ago because frankly, I was curious. In our early work, I shared my fear of dying because both my parents died when they were young.  I thought it was predetermined that I would die soon, so I was always terrified of dying.  I had goals and dreams and simply accepted they would never come true. Virginia made me feel loved and accepted. She is the best listener I’ve ever known.  She is a gentle, calming, loving presence. We did exercises that helped me learn more about my fears—everything from planning an ideal day to breathing exercises and talking about my dreams. Slowly, I started to celebrate living more than expecting death.  I revisited my creative gifts and began painting and writing a memoir about my relationship with my late mother.  I actually found joy through creating. I made the decision to change to part-time remote work. I wanted to be happy for the rest of my life—no matter how long.  I even purchased a beautiful handmade pottery cremation urn and found myself embracing it instead of fearing what it symbolized. I planned every detail of my memorial service and wrote letters for my loved ones to open after my death. Virginia shared ideas about burials and death rituals that were more meaningful and sustainable than traditional funerals and memorial services. I came to think of dying more as a celebration of a life well lived than a sad time that has to be experienced as a loss. Virginia helped me laugh, too. Now I am living instead of dying! I’m better prepared to accept my death when it does come. When I eventually approach my end of life, I can imagine no one who I would rather walk the journey with than Virginia. She is like a guardian angel who takes your hand and guides you to Heaven. My only fear now is that she might not be available when the time comes. Virginia is part of a wonderful trend—people facing their deaths with joyful courage. She is truly a treasure.”

— Lisa Harrison |  Birmingham, Alabama

We struggled to think of ways to bring our dear friend comfort and beauty towards the end of her life, and Virginia was the answer to that! She has a warrior’s heart with a compassion and love that is endless. Virginia is a bright light with a gentle spirit and she offers that to all she encounters. The difference she made was paramount. I will forever be grateful for the incredible gift of Virginia’s services, she is a rare and precious human.

— Pride Forney | Atlanta, Georgia

“Virginia is a skilled and empathetic listener, teacher, and healer. An expert in life … and death.”

— Stephanie St.Claire | Orange County, CA

“I have known Virginia Bunting since her early childhood and have observed her as always being a loving and compassionate person. She combines these characteristics with excellent professional skills in her caring mission as end of life doula. She recently answered the call to assist a friend who was at life’s end and feeling loss and apprehension. The two established an immediate rapport, and Virginia was able to understand and soothe her in ways that were enormously beneficial. My friend looked forward to her every visit, and Virginia was with her during her last minutes. 

I have great admiration for Virginia and the adult she has become. I would wholeheartedly recommend her to patients and family in need of someone who can be a gentle support, good ear, and guide for someone on their final journey.”

— Virginia Scruggs | Birmingham, Alabama

“I found Virginia to be a shining and competent student. She demonstrated kindness and empathy to classmates and showed great care in being aware of the many nuances in each possible situation when caring for the dying.”

— Anne-Marie Keppel | Community death doula teacher and author of Death Nesting: Ancient & Modern Death Doula Techniques Mindfulness Practices and Herbal Care

 “The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed - to be seen, heard, and companioned exactly as it is.” 

- Parker J. Palmer