End of Life Doula Care

In-Person Care +
Nurturing for the Dying

As you walk the tender journey of Death, I am here to be your advocate, companion, and ally throughout the whole process.

Is this level of support calling to you?

My job is to listen deeply and create an environment that is comfortable to die in. Here is a non-exhaustive list of what that may include:

  • Assistance with fulfilling final wishes

  • Sitting silently with the dying

  • In-home, hospital, hospice, or nursing home visits

  • Suggest interventions for comfort

  • Support for making important decisions (such as Advance Directives)

  • Guided imagery, mindfulness practices, meditation, and Reiki healing to help reduce anxiety and pain

  • Compassionate witnessing to alchemize regret 

  • Encourage self-love and forgiveness as well as finding peace and acceptance

  • Continuous bedside presence during the final stages of the dying process

  • Engage in meaningful conversation, play music, read poetry, adjust lighting, diffuse essential oils, or anything else that creates a soothing ambiance

  • Referral to community resources

  • Collaboration with the hospice team, on-call nurses and doctors, and social workers for best-coordinated care and communication

  • Help you determine your medical, emotional, and spiritual wishes

  • Gather community to care for the dying

  • Listening without judgment 

  • Create a nest for the dying person that feels safe and nurturing

  • Help the patient to find meaning in their life and what their contribution was to this life

  • Encourage the family and friends (and the one dying whenever possible) to do any of the following:

+ Planning the Vigil
+ Writing the Obituary
+ Writing the Eulogy
+ Begin or finish their own EOL documents

  • Gather information and present choices to family members/friends

  • Grocery shop, run errands… odd jobs to support the family

  • Support the patient and their loved ones throughout the entire end of life journey

Our time together…


Families can expect to spend an average of $2,500-$5,000 on End of Life Death Services if we work together for 1-3 months. This generally includes 5 hours of in-person support/week and unlimited phone, text and voice support. Since each situation is unique, please reach out (and explore the quick note about services I don’t provide on this journey.)

“What I am really saying is that you don’t need to do anything, because if you see yourself in the correct way, you are all as much extraordinary phenomenon of nature as trees, clouds, the patterns in running water, the flickering of fire, the arrangement of the stars, and the form of a galaxy. You are all just like that, and there is nothing wrong with you at all.”

— Alan Watts