Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I’m Virginia. I’m an End of Life Doula passionate about all things death and dying (and thus living!).

I spent 13+ years as a Birth Doula, childbirth and lactation educator, and a decade as a Certified Holistic Life Coach and energy healer. And now, in perfect order, my career is cycling into death care. Birth, Life, Death, Rebirth. This work chose me. In fact, when it made itself known to me I tried to resist it. Because seriously, that’s one way to clear a dinner party! 

Guest: “So what do you do?”

Me: “I am an End of Life Doula and I help people face their mortality while alive and hold space for their death when it’s time.”

Guest: (crickets) “Ok, well, nice talking to you. Bye!”

Or so I thought.

Turns out, when you open up the floor, most people are curious and want to talk about it. They have a story they are chomping at the bit to share and have never had the space to do so. Death isn’t generally a dinner table topic, but it should be! Holding space for these conversations lights a match on what it means to be human for me.

The vastness of the human experience inspires me. Death is one of those topics that takes you to the depths of your soul and the heights of love. It’s incredibly healing to explore. It is one of my basic philosophies that when you are prepared to die you are prepared to live. 

I am a Certified Village Death Care Citizen, a member of NEDA (National End of Life Doula Alliance) and NHFA (National Home Funeral Alliance). While I have a certification, I will note that certification is not required to become an End of Life Doula and there is no licensure yet in the field. I am dedicated to regularly continuing my education and constantly learning. You may see the education I have had here.

All the books, classes and workshops are one thing, but death work requires something that takes real-life experience - practice and training in being with intense and difficult emotions. I have been through a process that allows me to be open and willing to stand in the face of death, and help you to do the same. I know the pain of being human, and nobody needs to do it alone. I bring grounded presence, compassion, wisdom, comfort and even humor to the bedside. 

I  hold space for the full spectrum of what it means to be human. My approach is open, inclusive, non-judgmental, approachable and open-hearted. 

In death, all of our labels and stories are stripped away. Death is something that connects us all and the exploration and experience of it join us together. The world needs more of that now more than ever. 

All religions, races, ethnicities, sexualities, genders, abilities and beliefs are welcome here.

“Virginia uses a warm and intuitive approach and has a gift of making her clients feel safe, calm, and empowered. Her practices and principles are accessible, simple, and life-changing for all those who experience her work.”

I am committed to these values in my work:


To provide competent, high-quality and evidence-based services with a high ethical standard of practice.


To serve as a resource and cultivate spaces where grief and death are witnessed and normalized. To foster community death care.


To engage people with histories of trauma in a manner that recognizes the presence of symptoms and acknowledges the role that trauma plays in their lives.


To partner with and support organizations and individuals that seek to improve end-of-life care in ways that go beyond the scope of my offerings and will benefit dying people and their loved ones.


To build anti-racist, gender-inclusive, and multi-generational environments, education material and community partnerships. To work to actively dismantle systems of power and oppression as they present in death and dying through education, care and advocacy.

I would love to work with you.

Get in touch to schedule a free consultation.